Programme of the 7th Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine 2009.
Welcome words form Mayor of Shatura region Mr.Keller and President of Moscow state Open University Prof. Anatoly Kovshov
Opening remarks form Alexis Kudryashov
Modular High-Speed Adaptive Optics System
Michael Helmbrecht, Carl Kempf, Raymond, Hairong Lei, Wei Xiong, Paul Pulaski, Daniel R. Neal
Hologram and image optimization using high resolution adaptive optics
Benoit Wattellier, Ivan Doudet
Adaptive Optics with a Liquid Mirror
Gleb Vdovin, Oleg Soloviev, Mikhail Loktev
Coffee: 12:00 - 12:30
Deformable mirrors 12:30 – 13:30
Yudong Zhang – Chair
Miniaturized adaptive mirror for solid state laser resonators
Sven Verpoort, Ulrich Wittrock
Potentialities of the bimorph mirrors
A.G.Alexandrov, V.D.Dubikovski, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin
New highly flexible approach for deformable mirror
Rooms Frederic
Lunch – Dinner in Russia 13:30 – 15:00
Wavefront correctors 15:00 – 16:20
Ulrich Wittrock – Chair
Modular adaptive deformable mirror technology based on electromagnetic actuators
Roger Hamelinck, Nick Rosielle, Maarten Steinbuch
Unimorph laser mirror based on LTCC
Claudia Bruchmann, Ramona Eberhardt, Erik Beckert, Sylvia E. Gebhardt, Andreas Tunnermann
Dynamic Holograms with Asymmetrical Fringe Profile: from Holographic Correction to Adaptive Optics
Vladimir Yu.Venediktov
New 19-channel mirror optimized for correction of low-order aberrations
Oleg Soloviev, Gleb Vdovin, Mikhail Loktev
Coffee: 16:20 – 16:50
Wavefront correctors 16:50 – 17:50
Alexis Kudryashov – Chair
Comparison of Large Diameter Bimorph Mirrors for High Power Laser Applications
Wattellier Benoit, Ivan Doudet
Simulation of a flexible mirror performance in the problem of adaptive compensation for aberrations in optical system
V.A. Banakh, F.Yu. Kanev, D.S. Rytchkov
Recent developments in electromagnetic deformable mirror technology
Erika Odlund, Fabrice Harms, Franck Martins, Nicolas Chateau, Emeric Lavergne, Xavier Levecq
Welcome Party: 18:00 – 19:00
Dinner-supper: 18:30 – 19:30
Tuesday, June 9.
Alexis Kudryashov – Chair
History and future of adaptive optics for the eye (Invited talk)
Artal Pablo
Evaluation of a coupling algorithm between a pupil tracker and an adaptive optics retinal imaging system
Betul Sahin
Adaptive optics confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope
Jing Lu, Hao Li, Ling Wei, Guohua Shi, Yudong Zhang
Clinically useful wide-field high-resolution retinal imaging with a dual-conjugate adaptive optics instrument
Zoran Popovic, Jorgen Thaung, Per Knutsson, Mette-Owner Petersen
Coffee: 11:30 – 12:00
Adaptive Optics and human eye - 2 12:30 – 13:30
Ulrich Wittrock – Chair
Subjective visual performance assessment with decentration higher-order aberrations correction through adaptive optics
Yun Dai, Xuejun Rao, Qian Liu, Lixia Xue, Wenhan Jiang
An update on AO characterization of the UC Davis AO-UHR-OCT system
Robert J. Zawadzki, Julia W. Evans, Steven M. Jones, Donald T. Miller, Scot S. Olivier, John S. Werner
Latest progress of AO for human eye in IOE (Invited talk)
Yudong Zhang
Lunch – Dinner in Russia 13:30 – 15:00
Applications for adaptive optics 15:00 – 16:20
Zoran Popovic – Chair
260 W Single-Frequency Large Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifier for Guidestar Applications
Christopher Vergien
Correction of vortex laser beam in a closed-loop adaptive system with bimorph mirror
F.A. Starikov, V.P. Aksenov, V.V. Atuchin, I.V. Izmailov, F.Yu. Kanev, G.G. Kochemasov, M.O. Koltygin, S.M. Kulikov, A.N. Manachinsky, N.V. Maslov, I.S. Soldatenkov, S.A. Sukharev
Adaptive Optics for LEO Satellite-To-Ground Links
Markus Knapek
Adaptive control in a system including a beacon with the wavelength different from the wavelength of a corrected radiation
Feodor Kanev, Naylia Makenova, and Ekaterina Tsyro
Poster session: 16:20 – 18:30
Conference Banquet: 18:30 till...
Wednesday, June 10.
Daniel Neal – Chair
Low Cost Embedded Adaptive Optics System based on Atom PC
I.Capraro, S. Bonora, C.Trestino, U. Bortolozzo, T.Occhipinti
Laser beam focusing by means of closed-loop adaptive optical system
Julia Sheldakova, Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexey Rukosuev
B-spline basis for adaptive piezoelectric mirror shape reconstruction
Irina Sergievskaya, Santiago Royo and Miguel Ares
AFRL - High Power Fiber Laser Test Bed
Anthony D. Sanchez
Reception at Shatura major house - 14:00-15:30
Excursion - 15:30-17:30
Dinner-supper 18:30 – 19:30
Thursday, June 11.
Vadim Samarkin – Chair
Wavefront control and focal spot shaping of the LULI 100TW facility by use of an optical adaptive closed-loop
Ji-ping Zou, Catherine Le Bris, Francois Simon, Sophie Baton, Benoit Wattellier, Ivan Doudet, Wiliam Boucher, Christophe Rousseaux
Wavefront correction in LFEX laser for Fast Ignition fusion experiment
T. Jitsuno, K. Sueda, N. Morio, S. Matsuo, J. Kawanaka, N. Miyanaga
Wavefront control in multiphoton microscopy
Juan Bueno, Emilio Gualda, Pablo Artal
Adaptive optical phasing in an ultrashort-pulse laser
N.K. Metzger
Coffee: 11:30 – 12:00
Adaptive optics for lasers 12:30 – 13:20
Pablo Artal – Chair
Preliminary results on dynamic intra-cavity laser mode selection
Craig Long, Igor Litvin, Philip Loveday, Andrew Forbes
Femtosecond NIR Pulse shaping with double side actuated deformable mirror
S.Bonora, D.Brida, C. Manzoni, P.Villoresi, S. De Silvestri, G.Cerullo
Performance Characteristics of Solid-State Lasers with MEMS Mirrors
Walter Lubeigt
Hysteresis Compensation in Wavefront-sensor-less Adaptive Optics Systems
H. Song, R. Fraanje, G. Schitter, M. Verhaegen, G. Vdovin
Lunch – Dinner in Russia 13:30 – 15:00
Wavefront control and measurements 15:00 – 17:00
Takahisa Jitsuno – Chair
Determining wavefront curvature by the superposition of Bessel beams
Ruslan Vasilyev, Angela Dudley, Nikolai Khilo, Andrew Forbes, Piotr Ropot
High performance architecture for R&D in adaptive optics
Rooms Frederic
Wave aberrations in a spinning pipe gas lens
Cosmas Mafusire, Andrew Forbes
Close-loop adaptive optics system based on linear phase retrieval technology
Xinyang Li, Min Li, Bo Chen, Changhui Rao, Wenhan Jiang
Closing remarks – Alexis Kudryashov
Farewell dinner: 18:30 – 19:30