8-11 June 2009, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia
Everyone who has interesting pictures please kindly send them to us and we shall share lovely memories with all participants.
Timetable for the Workshop:
June, 7 - arrival of all participants
June, 8 - opening ceremony; first working day
June, 9 - full working day
June, 10 - full working day; travel to Shatura, visiting Adaptive Optics team in Russia
June, 11 - full working day; closing ceremony
June, 12 - travel to Moscow; visiting Moscow musical theatre named after K.S.Stanislavsky and V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko (It would be three short ballets there: Charles Gounod "Walpurgis Night", Minkus "Bayaderka", and Minkus "Pakhita").
This meeting is a workshop. All participants are encouraged to present their work as either a poster or an oral presentation, and all participants are expected to contribute to the discussion of each paper. The spirit of the meeting is for open discussion and interchange of ideas.
We strongly encourage participation from industry and small companies. There will be the opportunity to display products and/or literature and a special session of the workshop wil be devoted to recent commercial products.
The subjects of the workshop include:
Applications of adaptive optics:
This Workshop is the seventh in a series, with earlier ones held in:
1997 Shatura (Russia)
1999 Durham (UK)
2001 Albuquerque (USA)
2003 Munster (Germany)
2005 Beijing (China)
2007 Galway (Ireland)