8-11 June 2009, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia
Address of the place:
White Lake Resort
Shatura Region
Moscow province
140765 Russia
Accommodation at "While Lake" resort was provided to the Conference participants upon request. Single and double rooms were available. Meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) were included in the room fee.
"White Lake" resort is situated in Meshchera Lowland - at the centre of the European part of Russia, 180 km southeast from Moscow and 65 km from the regional centre Shatura. Gzhel with its unique Russian ceramic manufacture, with ceramic museum and shops, the well known ancient Russian towns of Vladimir and Suzdal with Cathedrals and Monasteries, museums of old icons, cut-glass and crystal, as well as the crystal shops, Russian baths and a coachman's yard are all situated in the neighbourhood. The picturesque nature of area, great large forests, and an abundance of reservoirs create the unique climate favorable both for conference sessions and rest.
Address of the place:
White Lake Resort
Shatura Region
Moscow province
140765 Russia